Monday, September 8, 2008

Camping 2008...Petersen, McKellar, Henry

We went, 2 weeks ago, camping with our family and friends and even with the weather being chilly, it was a relaxing and fun experience! We will do this again soon. Hopefully our kids will be bigger and get more out of it. Ava spent the 1st 2 days sleeping because she couldn't handle the cold. Brandon woke up at 6 am " I need to get dressed and go play". Jake Henry spent most of the time trying new things to eat such as, rocks, acorns and sand! While the McKellar kids ,who are experienced campers, took it all in stride! Thanks to all of you guys for helping us create another Petersen memory! Your the best and we love ya! P.S. I must have not taken a family picture of the McKellar's but I had a good one of Bryan and Ava.

Ava's 1st try at ice cream...I think she like's it!

While camping we took the kids all out for ice cream, and well even if she is only 6 months old, why should she have to miss out on all the fun? She loved it, and now if anything edible is near her she does the same thing with her mouth to try and get a taste. If only we all enjoyed new foods this much!

Monday, September 1, 2008

Ava Kelly

Since I found out I was pregnant with our 2nd child i knew we were having a little girl. it was just a gut feeling, and though I always wanted to have all boys, she has been and addition to our family that was well needed. Her smiles are infectious, and her laugh can actually make you laugh to the point of tears or wetting your pants. She has learned to sit up on her own, roll over and before we know it will be crawling! And she is only 6 months old. Hard to believe she had accomplished so much in such a small time. makes you forget how fast things really go till you have a 3yr old and a baby! She is our little blessing, and I can't wait to see what she grows up to be and weather or not she is going to have curly hair like her mama.

Brandon Anthony

Brandon is our little spit fire. We never know exactly what is going to happen next with him. He is funny, spontaneous and knows your mood before you even do. We are enjoying every single moment that he is in our life. It is amazing how big your kids get overnight. I can remember bringing him home form the hospital and how big he was. I remember sleepless nights and being a 1st time mom who was worried about everything, and thought I was going to ruin this kids life. But no matter my worries, he has turned out to be an amazing young man and each day I am more excited to see what he is going to do next!
Brandon turns 3 in October of this year and really has become my little helper when it comes to his little sister Ava, or as he calls her "Aba". He loves to make her laugh, trys to hold her as much as possible and sometimes when she is really upset he is the only one who can calm her down. Almost makes me think that one more kid might be kinda fun with him around!!

Welcome to the Petersen's

Well I suppose that since our family keeps getting bigger and all of our friends and family have blogs, we might as well jump on the band wagon. Let's see here is the update on the Petersen Family. Brian and I just celebrated our 4th anniversary. Brandon will be 3 in October and starts Preschool this year. Ava is almost 7 months old and is learning something new everyday. There is something cute and new everyday between our kids!